Massimo Maestri, MRICS
+39 02 43 002
Via Mario Pagano, 69/A 20145, Milan
Diploma di Geometra (Italian Professional School forming Surveyors) obtained in 1986 at ITC “Cattaneo” of Milan.
Research and processing activity of statistical data (for some European consultancy companies as well) related to the Italian real estate market; some of those research are related to establishing a selling value and identifying the average profitability rate, surface determination standard, etc., based on the city/typology
Refreshment training courses at Politecnico of Milan (DI.Tec) and Bocconi University.
Membership n. 1279512 at Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors since 2008
Registered valuer RICS dal 2016
Contribution in writing the Italian RICS Guidelines for the valuation of Shopping Centers
Member of the Prezzi Commission of CCIAA Milan (Commissione Prezzi della CCIAA di Milano), Monza and Lodi, representing RICS
Participation as supervisor to conventions, seminars and events related to the real estate market.
Real estate valuations
Independent expert for real estate funds
Due diligence
Investment advisory
Assets valuations for private and public companies for purposes of spin-offs, incorporations, mergers, acquisitions and disposals
With a thirty year experience in real estate valuations, he directly took part in the main valuation projects developed by PRAXI Real Estate, both in planning and coordinating roles, and personally manages client relationships with significant real estate owners.
Valuations as Independent Expert for Real Estate Funds:
The real estate assets of the approximately 40 Real Estate Funds I manage as Project Leader, in the last three years, includes offices, residential, productive, development projects (tertiary sector, residential, logistic, etc.), real estate distributes all over the national territory. Those assets as a whole have a Market Value surpassing the 6 billion Euros.
The most relevant real estate Valuations Projects of last years were frequently developed by expert teams referring to the different Praxi offices, under my responsibility as Project Leader, among which:
Accademia SGR, Alitalia, Allianz assicurazioni, Ansaldo, AXA REIM SGP, Banca Esperia, Banca Popolare di Vicenza, Banca Popolare di Novara, Banca Popolare di Lodi, Barclays, Beni Stabili SIIQ, BNP Paribas SGR, BNP Paribas Leasing, Solutions, Borgosesia SGR, CBRE SGR, Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, Coima SGR, Colussi, Cytilife, DeA Capital Real, Estate SGR, DGPA SGR, Duemme SGR, ENI, Ernst & Young, EstCapital SGR, Europe Assistance, Ferrovie dello Stato, FIAT, Finanziaria Internazionale SGR, Generali Immobiliare Italia SGR, Gianni Versace, Gucci, Intesa Sanpaolo, InvestiRE SGR, Jolly Hotels, Namira SGR, Polis Fondi SGR, Prelios SGR, Quorum SGR, Ream SGR, Risanamento, Sanofi Aventis, Serenissima SGR, Statuto, Swiss Life REIM, UBI Banca, Unicredit leasing, Valore Reale SGR, Zucchi,
Zurigo Assicurazioni